"Q&A about Space Solar Power Systems"
This study examines cognitive gaps between specialists and non-specialists by conducting the science cafe on Space Solar Power Systems (SSPS). Closing gaps in values, concerns and understanding between themis one of the purpose of science communication. In this research weassume that the gaps arise from a difference between questions which specialists think the non-specialists would like to know,and questions which the non-specialists actually would like to know.On this assumption, we conducted two events to the public (non-specialists), and an event at a symposium of the SSPS society (specialists) and then compared its collected data. In the former, two scientists gave a lecture about SSPS separating it into three sections: its technology, scientists in its field, and its social influences. Then participants were asked to select the topic they felt curious about, and to put down questions for scientists (specialists) concerning SSPS in a questionnaire. The same questions were asked in the latter event. Thereby the comparison between specialists and non-specialists, some gaps between them were visualized. On the basis of it, we formulated a question list reflecting the queriesof non-specialists.